Thursday, May 28, 2009

Copyright curriculum materials

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has a free online curriculum for teaching about copyright.

from their webpage:

"The lesson plan concludes with a mock trial that tests the students' understanding of copyright and its limitations and encourages them to consider the positions of each party involved.

Unit Goals

* Educate students about copyright law, including the concepts of fair use, free speech, and the public domain.
* Explore the relationship between copyright law and innovation, showing how the courts and lawmakers have struggled to build a legal framework to both compensate artists and encourage innovative uses of creative works and new technologies.
* Help students understand their legal rights and responsibilities with respect to copyright and technology use.

Objectives for Students

* Critical and creative thinking: brainstorming, analyzing historical and contemporary sources, and questioning group and individual assumptions.
* Social skills: collaborating with peers.
* Communication: participating in group discussions, debates, class projects, and role-play; demonstrating comprehension by commenting (orally and in writing) on the material clearly and effectively.
* Research: collecting, organizing, and synthesizing data from various sources (scholastic articles, commercial news sources, Internet, video/film, music, art, and literature)."

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